Playland USA

Género: Documentary film / Trailer
Ano: 2017-2019
Duração: 01:45 min
Descrição: Washington is not the capital of the USA, but Hollywood. Or: The postfactual age began in 1492. A time travel fantasy through the land of unlimited possibilities - and the unlimited formation of identities between pop culture and Christian faith. The range of encounters and observations extends from Noah's Ark to the colonization of Mars, in between it all dinosaurs, Indians, Thomas Jefferson doubles and superheroes. The protagonists don't seem particularly interested in what's real and what's fiction. They don't look at history through scientific books or museums, but through "historical" battles re-enacted by the masses. Reality and staging, dream and madness, the sacred and the banal can no longer be distinguished from each other. The world woke up from the "American Dream," at the latest after reality was trumped by fiction. But if fiction comes after the dream, where was and is "reality"?
Fornecedor: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Direitos: In Copyright / zeitgebilde Filmproduktion UG (Dresden)
Director: Benjamin Schindler
Tipo de documento:
Language: de